got a call from my good friend brent and told me to meet him at our friend tommy's and we would then make our way out to the east village for a bit of live music. now who could pass up live music in the evill? so i grabbed tommy's bread (that he left at my house on sunday) - and headed downtown. omg - is mother nature on pms or what - it was a beautiful day and then - bam - cold and windy in the evening - i was so over it - but alas - neither rain, snow, sleet - blah blah - i was going to go out and have a fabu time!
we made our way to starlight. starlight was voted one of the best gay bars in nyc this year in the aol cityguide city's best campaign. starlight is a small bar in alphabet city. it holds about 150 on a good day - but most of the time it feels like 300 people are trying to hang out in there. most days I have to admit - we avoid the starlight because it's so packed. because this was a monday - i figured - can't be that crowded. i was right.
so - why were we there? brent's friend tex was singing in a couple of numbers in the show being presented. the show showcased the live guitar and vocal stylings of paul deboy (pictured at top). now i'll give anyone credit for being on a stage doing their thing. especially when it's a live talent. but talent would be the key to being on stage - if you don't have any - stay away from the stage. listening to this boy's 'poetry' about masturbation, lsd camping trips, and bad covers of songs no one cares about anymore made me wish i were deaf, blind, and comatose. the best part of the show was when he sat and let tex and another singer - jay - take over for a couple of songs. i was thinking to myself - now i'd listen to a bit more of jay thanks - paul - go back to baltimore.
ok - so maybe that was harsh - but i woke up from a good nap for this! thank god it was over in about an hour's time.
now - i don't think that this one experience should keep me from going back on

so after that experience i needed to pep up my night a bit. tommy and brent parted ways headed for dinner and to the cock for their 3rd anniversary of old skool - i went further downtown and slightly east to a bar called sutra. my very good friend rainblo throws a party there every monday night. it's only it's 3rd week but momentum is picking up and it's been quite festive thus far. open bar with fabulous banana martinis and chocolate shots until 11:00.
now - this

i spent most of my evening chumming it up with deryck commenting about the party. we were (im)patiently waiting for the show to start. cazwell (the gay eminem) did a little song then there was a contest for $50 where 3 people got up to 'show their stuff' to the crowd. i have to say - less than impressed with all of the above. having the entertainment is fun for a break in the night - but i think the children had better times just dancing it out on the dance floor.
in all - great time at sutra! all that and i was still home in bed at a 'decent' hour! haha - till next time - muah!
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