i mean i'm not knocking 2006 - personally for me i had alot of accomplishments:
:: new job
:: new apartment (in brooklyn)
:: bought a new condo with my best friend mark (in brooklyn - move date tbd - hopefully february)
:: went on 2 fabulous international trips (london in july and buenos aires in november)
:: got in shape (or in a better shape than 2005 - thanks julia)
:: performed at carnegie hall (for the 5th time - mom finally was able to come and tixgirl wrote about it in her blog)
:: met some amazing new people (marcos, bruston, ryan, andy, john - aka 'the mean girls', roy, billy, amy - oh the list could go on for days)
:: tech-nerd purchases: computer (macbook
so in all - pretty great year.
now - onto why i've been absent. as we all know - the holiday season can be very hectic - you all were there it happened - it's over - praise jesus. the family came to visit on/around the 19th of december and were here until the 31st. we had a small family trip planned for the holiday up to block island to visit my aunt and uncle - gorgeous house - absolutely nothing to do but was nice nonetheless. as we all know - when family comes to visit - especially around the holidays - time set aside for the 'usual routine' are usually cut in half or taken away all together.
new years was great. roy volunteered his apartment for a dinner party/drink fest - and it was - it was great - and it was a perfect way to ring in the new year.
so now we are in 2007. my god - how time is flying by. i'm sure there'll be many an adventure ahead for us all this year. there was a shift in the political structure after all - so this year could be the beginning of a great era for our country - or at least give us the ability to begin fixing the crap that the current government has put us in.
already work is buzzing. 2007 has started - changes are in the air and i'm ready to see what challenges are ahead. so far i've already been to dallas and philly - who knows where else i'll be going.
already had my first issue with the nypd this year - yes indeed - i got a ticket - gasp - i know right - but i got a ticket for - get this - 'occupying more than one seat' on the subway. it went down like this:
i went to see 'notes on a scandal' with roy and bruston. was returning home after the movie. i was sitting - minding my own business - playing solitaire on the treo and listening to 'la traviata' on my ipod. the train stops at atlantic/pacific avenue in brooklyn. the doors open. a cop - sees me sitting 'slightly askew' - and asks me to get off of the train. he gave me a $50 ticket for that ridiculous charge. i wasn't drunk. i wasn't disorderly. the train wasn't full. but now i owe $50 for minding my business and trying to get home safely - yay - way to go nypd.
so we aren't even out of january and i have a 'scandal' on my hands - can't wait to see what happens in the next 11 months - lol.
so that's my brief update - more to come - i promise. golden globes are this weekend - i have to talk about that - and i've seen more shows that i can fill you all in on - other than that - have a great 2007 and more to come from me.
Can you believe I will not be able to see the golden globes this year!!!!! I am v. upset. I am thinking about getting TV just so I can watch it, but am not even sure if sky will have it.
HAPPY NEW YEAR Baby. Sorry about your ticket for being drunken disorderly raging queen, but you know.........did you slap him like a Gabore?
haha - i wanted to but i think that would have landed me in more trouble than needed.
sorry you aren't able to see the globes this year - maybe you should pop over from london and come watch with me!
miss you!
If I could I would......but I am doing blogging from hell trying to predict the Oscars.
So much fun.
This year looks pretty easy to predict aside from supporting actor.
Poor pookie! Well at least you had a fab NYE, even if the NYPD sucked.
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