we made it down to the 'posh' shopping area - only to find out that the shops were closed - but they were having a photo shoot where it looked like a super model had ran into the back of a chicken truck with feathers all over herself and the car - lord only knows what they were trying to 'sell'.
since the shops were closed - we opted to have a nice lunch outside on the strip outside of the cemetery. it was lovely! such a beautiful day - very warm - very nice.
after lunch - we headed to another part of the city for more markets - puppet theatre - tango dancing - and mimes. at 5:30 our tango lesson was scheduled - so we headed to the hotel to secure our spots. it was outside on a patio at this bed and breakfast. todd and i watched as the others started their lesson. the class had the 5 of us - and 4 from nyc - and a couple of spanish speaking people.
afterwards all of the new yorkers headed to a cafe to meet and greet - found out that one of them actually works at iag with nick - small world gets smaller everyday. we made plans to meet with them later at 'palacio' - parted ways - and headed home for a power nap and dinner.
fast food empanadas for dinner - omg - so good and like a penny a piece - lol. we headed over to 'palacio' and met up with our new friends from nyc. 'palacio' i have to admit - is my personal hell. i had about 10 minutes of 'fun' before i was ready to head out the door - i guess i am just super-clubbed out. about 3 hours later - i think we headed out - well - nick, todd, and i did - we left darris and anthony there to 'hunt' some more.
i don't know what time the other boys got home - but it was noisy and there were 'guests' this morning when i woke up - lol - god love them (someone here is 4 for 4 - my god).
today we head back to '5th avenue' and perhaps a spa. we decided not to go to uraguay as we'll be heading to iguazu falls tomorrow and we have so much more in buenos aires we want to take in.
more later - off to shower.
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