knowing that this week was mid-term elections for many states - i already knew it was going to be a humdinger. the democrats had a great opportunity to take back the house, senate, and the top seats of the states and they did - smack that ass mister bush - i guess we will be in this week to measure for drapes! (on a side-bar - did you hear bush's comment in his post-election speech yesterday talking about how he could recommend a replublican decorator to help nancy pelosi measure for drapes - what a dick - anyway - here's a quote from the herald tribune - 'the president joked that he had given house minority leader nancy pelosi, in line to become the first female speaker of the house, the name of a republican interior decorator to help her pick out drapes for her new office. the comment was poke at the california democrat's pre-election remark about having her pick of capitol building suites.') it's truly exciting times indeed. the losers were of course the republicans (yay) and the gays (boo).
gays still can't get married - no shock there - not sure what it'll take to gain those kinds of rights. i'm not even sure i'd even jump on the marriage thing even if we were able to but to deny the right to anyone to do what they wish when they are in love isn't right. who knows - one day it may happen. hopefully by then i will have found love and have different views of the subject - until then - i'll stay bitter and single - lol. but not neil patrick harris - that's right - dr. doogie howser came out of the closet this week stating that '(he is) quite proud to say that (he is) a very content gay man living my life to the fullest.' - not a big shock there but good for him - hey neil - wanna get married?

on the subject of marriage - what the hell is up with britney spears (who i like to call shitney brears) and k-fed (aka loser)? come on now - divorce - like we didn't see that coming. i think britney finally looked in the mirror and realized how pathetic her life had become. she went from being pop princess back to poor white trash in a matter of 9+ months (a baby or two can do that to you). she did marry an talentless hack who has been mooching off of what's left of her fame for way too long. she's no longer cute - she's fat - and let's just say - tragic. someone yesterday even told me that k-fed's tickets were being given away in chicago because no one cared to buy them.
i think this is potentially a great move for britney - her loyal fans will come to her rescue - leave it to the gays to take a tragic someone and turn them back into a grand diva (i submit donna summer as exhibit a). i expect this could mean a 'comeback' for our dear pop princess? at least a vegas show - or - branson! [read more on gawker]

now now - i don't think this is a bad idea - the guy should have been pushed out years ago - i just think it'll be a mess to clean up and i would hate to be in robert gates' shoes right now. if confirmed - gates will take the place of rumsfeld as the secretary of defense. this task will be like trying to clean an oil spill the size of texas with an sos sponge and some pledge.
with the democrats back in power - we just have to play nice for two more years when we can fully take back the white house. hillary clinton for president anyone? won't that be fun!
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