now you have to hand it to the man - at 147 years old (give or take) he's still out there singing and doing his thing. he's been on every major talk show lately. he even was on martha stewart (used to hate her but her new post-prison image makes me laugh) and rachel ray (who i think should die in a sea of acidic 'peppiness' - hate her) at the same time on the same day - talk about 'could it be magic'! but seeing him over and over has really made me believe that barry - is - in reality - a troll doll.
years of plastic surgery have really not done this aging singer very well. take a look at the photo at the top - notice the family resemblance? small chin - big ears - awkward eyes - and sculpted cheeks - i think we have a winner. aging celebrities almost always start to look alike anyway.

another troll to be on the look-out for is the ever-aging rod stewart. one could almost argue that he and barry go to the same plastic surgeon. take a look at the picture to the right - if it's not the same surgeon - they must go to the same barber!
why are these musicians still making music anyway. both barry and rod's latest releases (the great songs of the sixties
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