basically - it's reality tv for menopausal women. women flow in and out of this house with the hopes of 'fixing' an issue. it can be anything from coping with loss, weight, or just simply finding themselves. i must confess - it has made me well up inside a few times. pathetic i know. maybe i'm going through menopause.
each woman is paired with another (kind of like 'the program' - though these are called accountability partners) for checks

they work with these - well let's face it - pretty pathetic women - and coach them through their fears and anger and hidden drama. it's real reality tv and i think there's something about seeing the pain in others and knowing that that ain't you (i believe it's called 'schadenfreude' - thanks 'avenue q'.) i can't get enough of it. it's almost painful to watch but yet i can't pull away - it's like watching a train accident in slow motion.
i get sad when one of the women graduate because our 'friendship' will end - they are a part of my life - whatever happens to them - do the go away cured and satisfied or do they fall into pits of withdrawl and die? i want to know. it reminds me of when i graduated - and you never look back. lost souls - here and there. this is pathetic - lol - i can't stop watching!
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