mtv is gearing up for their annual video music awards tonight at
radio city music hall. i work at
rockefeller plaza - so i've been getting the bird's eye take on the action all week - as well as hearing the thumps and rehearsals - makes for a great working environment with hip-hop blasting through the windows. the mtv folks have completely taken over the plaza downstairs including the
today show's outdoor studio.

the view from my office faces out towards 50th street. when i look down - i see the gateway of the red carpet. notice the guards making sure all is secure. i did notice a horse pulled wagon a few minutes ago dropping someone off and lots of interesting things going on. there's also been a random queen's guardsman walking around - where am i - london - hell no this is new york - what the fuck?

the chaos continues on into tents that stretch across the other side of the plaza to 51st street and then there are holding tents that go up and down the radio city music hall building on 50th street. looks like it'll be a grand event.

here's the sea of people in yellow screaming on top of their lungs for whoever may be walking by - yes - you can hear them all the way up on the 14th floor - lucky us! they are changing 'jay-z' as i am typing - yee haw!

this is the view of the today show's stage - now transformed into something that looks like a nightclub complete with a red carpet runway.

up close and personal of the stage. looks completely different than when al, anne, and matt are up there doing their morning thing.

setting up the event - it must be hard work. thank god it's not raining anymore and it's actually cool outside. the stage looks cool. too bad i'll miss it tonight. i'm sure it'll be on re-runs for the next month.
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