as far as the rest of the night - joanna newsome - um - bjork with a harp - but not in a good bjork way. neko case - i could be a fan - if it weren't for her drunk former schoolmate beside me giving me a blow-by-blow - ok ok - so it was her birthday - and yeah - we all drink a little on our birthdays - but damn lady - i paid to hear neko sing - not the random nobody that used to know her.
beer - kielbasa - and ice cream sandwiches capped out the night. the rain came - but only for martha - which is kinda cool as ames pointed out - 'she's the stormy one' - but the clouds gave way to a pretty amazing night.
martha wainwright: when the day is short: video by ames
martha wainwright: bloody mother fucking asshole: video by ames
Martha was amazing! Stormy day for a stormy lady. What could be more fitting?! And so gracious in autographing your CD. She's a goddess.
i can't deny that - goddess in every aspect - ugh - so happy to have met her.
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